Schedule a 1 on 1 call with me! Below are the ways I can help.
I can help you get the most out of your website. From how your website looks, navigates, loads, buttons you have or don’t. I can also explain why all of this is important. Simple and easy additions to your website will make a world of difference!
In the world we live in, we have to be on social media. Not everyone but its a huge plus for business! More than 75% of my business comes from social media and it all ties back around to Instagram. Now I don’t claim to know it all but I do know what works for me. I can look at someones Instagram and instantly know where they need support, more of less of and everything in between!
Getting leads but not booking? Let’s review your packages and your email communication. I’ll have you walk me through your process from inquiry to booking. What you do from start to finish. From there I will break it down and show you simple changes you can make to book those clients!
How to get them, where to start and the best platforms to collect reviews on! Reviews are HUGE and will take your business SO far. I have a trick that no client will turn down!
Feeling overwhelmed? I’ve been there. If i’m being honest… I STILL work a full time Mon-Fri job (Graphic Design) on top of weekends weddings and engagements. I pulled off an 80 session year in 2020 with a full time job. Now as much as I think that was overkill, it’s what had to be done because you know 2020… The year taught me workflow, systems and what I needed to change to be able to run a work week like I did. I will teach you from start to finish the systems I set in place and how you can do the same too to streamline your business!
Yes, I will teach you how to book your clients and how to keep them coming back! This really goes for any industry professional and not just wedding photographers.
Pick my brain or tell me where you need help! Is it consistency you want? Do you want to learn something new? Do you see something I do that you want to know more about? Anything goes and I am an open book! I will tell you all I know.