Happy 3 years Daniel... Heres to you


I am a better person today because of Daniel. When they say your significant other completes you, I couldn't find this to be any more true. Daniel makes me so incredibly happy. He's a good person, he loves people, you will never find him speaking poorly of others. He sees the good, he gives his all and he would do just about anything... for anyone. Daniel has brought so much good to my life in the last three years and for that I am forever grateful for him everyday. So Daniel, heres to you.

3 years and what it has taught me...


- the IMPORTANCE on making time for on another

- to unplug and LISTEN and truly live in the moment

- to take evening WALKS to talk about our days (fresh air after a long day... trust us, its great)

- knowing you need to compensate. LOTS of COMPENSATING! (opposites attract)

- the importance of FAMILY always putting them first, always

- that WINE and pizza night have to happen AT LEAST once a month

- if something isn't right you TALK IT OUT (communication really is key)

- that life without DOGGOS is a life we will not live!

- there is something therapeutic about the OUTDOORS! (we <3 to gl-amp)

- to SLOW down. I am the sprinter, Daniel moves a little slower (I think we have found a very good middle ground between the two of us)

- to STOP and remember to take a minute to take it all in (anywhere we are)

- that daniel is the ultimate TRAVEL partner (you seriously have never traveled good until you've gone with him!)

- that time spent APART has a bigger purpose (find the good in missing one another)

- that sharing your personal thoughts and PERSPECTIVE just might teach each other something  

- to always CONCIDER one anothers point of view (always)

- to make time for our ELDERS (they love us dearly)

- to make time for our PARENTS (they are closest we've got)

- to make time for what we LOVE (its good for the soul)

- to make TIME 

- to always stay TRUE to our hearts

- to always stay true to what we BELIVE in

- to always try and PASS IT ON where we can


3 years has taught me a lot but if there is one thing these last three years have taught me it is that because of Daniel my life has forever changed for the better. 


Enjoy the now. Enjoy the growing experience with one another. You will look back on your relationship and be so thankful you did.


Happy 3 years Daniel.



- Photos by Stefanie & Caleb at UNSHAKABLE CROWN -



- Photos by Stefanie & Caleb at UNSHAKABLE CROWN -
